Page 5 - ISABS Here and Now
P. 5

Above all, my meaningfulness towards            at work.                                    In essence, through my participation in
making myself truly happy took place                                                        lab, I could unlearn my rigidity within and
when I found myself contributing with           We had another co-participant, a school-    learn to open up externally in groups. My
greater effectiveness through rendering         teacher who yearned to take up              interpersonal relationships in the process
care for society by way of immersing            management teaching as a second career      improved, and I was more composed and
myself in providing joy to the less             - I could humbly add value to this by       happy.
privileged ones around in community.            recommending places she could explore,
                                                and which brought result.                       Dr.(Prof.) Debaprasad Chattopadhyay
In all the foregoing instances, the group-                                                                                               BLHP
members in BHLP setting at ISABS were           Yet another participant was passing
immensely helpful to me in helping me re-       through a turbulent mental phase                   
discovering myself which contributed to         following a separation from her husband.
my effectiveness at work and happiness          She continuously wept for the first three
internally. In hindsight, I firmly believe the  days of lab. In the latter part of the lab
five days BHLP at ISABS served as a true        she learnt through participant interaction
motivational force; we had around ten co-       that life is all about positively looking
participants in the lab, each one was           ahead rather than brooding over past
unique in terms of her/his share of issues.     miseries.
Speaking about me, I was literally a
workaholic till then. To a query from           Another participant spoke about how she
fellow participants as to when I last took      felt when she came to know that a new
my family for pleasure trip, i replied that     joinee with comparatively less academic
it is twelve years. They suggested that I       qualifications was being paid more; we
should strike a balance between work and        freely interacted with her saying that it
life; acting on this suggestion, I              does not matter where one starts and
commenced taking my family out for a            how one progresses in the short interim
trip every year, which not only made me         but it matters how and where one
happy but also enhanced my productivity         effectively culminates.

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