Page 9 - ISABS Here and Now
P. 9

Bindu Cherungath,

                                                                                          ODCP Batch VI

The ‘ODCP ‘journey has been like an emotional roller coaster ride for me.

I used to find solace in writing a highly structured, content-oriented log and take pride in the same,
which conveniently helped me escape from the discomfort of reflecting upon my own emotional

Then came the review of my third ‘Contact’ module log (‘CM3’). Dialoguing with my Academic Council
Member and Mentor made me understand that my logs should be more ‘process-centric’ and less
‘content-centric’. I was also asked to be creative.

Being a movie buff and blogger of movie reviews, I take a lot of learning from movies – a medium which
I find very expressive. So I thought of assimilating my ‘CM4: Goa Travelogue’ in the form of film strips.

I picked up pictures and comic illustrations with relevant comments (courtesy Google Images) which
resonated with the events I experienced, and my feelings. I arranged all the film strips sequentially in
the order in which events, themes and experiences unfolded for me during this journey. I felt satisfied
due to two major reasons: one, I was able to change my conventional style of content-oriented,
structured log writing, and two, I was able to experiment with my Creativity in log writing. I am happy
and feel blessed that my ‘CM4 Goa Travelogue’ finds space in ‘Here and Now’.

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